Note: I can add pix now

We have settled into Sierra Madre resort nicely. We are here for a month in a nice cottage. The owners Perti (Finnish) and Laarni (Filipina) have been very hospital. We have yet to dive, as we have both been through some headcolds and are just getting over it now.

The onwers have a number of dogs here, including 5 pugs

which have been a near constant source of entertainment, from swimming in the ocean, to push eachother into pool, to humping behind a van in the parking lot, and just being pugs who are tired and hot all the time.
We have had some run ins with insect, and I've got a picture of large spider, a number of which have frequented our cottage,

unfortunatly I have been unable to located a encyclopedic website of Philippine Flora and Fauna. We have lizards everywhere protecting us though, and they are fun.
We have snorkeled off the resorts water front and found some great coral areas not too distant, we've seen some beatufil fish out here. Lots ofbalck and whtie striped one's not Zebra fish, but another kind, they live in families and hide in a coral whenever you cruise by. Bert told us, that to build an aquarium you just scare them into their coral and take the whole coral out.
So as I said we're here for a month, we go into Tagbilaran to get groceries and see movies - the premiere price was 80 pesos to see Wolverine each, about $4 for the pair of us. We are adjusitng to the heat well I think, I basically walk around in my underwear in the house, and put on shorts outside of it. We'll be dicing soon, go Breakwater!