We started the morning relocated a captured squirrel. After which we (Myla, myself, Mom and Dad) left Bobcaygeon for Newcastle, where Myla and I took a ride on the Go bus into Oshawa, and then the train to Danforth.
We said our goodbye's to the new Babia's and to Vangie, and headed downtown to pickup a Balikbayan box at Sherbourne then onto Union station where we took the train out to Markham where we met my folks and had dinner. Dinner was good, fish and chips, after which it was time to visit my the 'MacLeans' Bob, Lorraine, Brent and Michelle. Lorraine and Bob made it home a few hours prior, just in time to see us off. =)
We're @ the airport after an uneventful and hassle-free checkin (free internet) til next time...