Well we're in school, and we don't start tomorrow, which is Sunday, I have been told. Nor do we start on Monday, we start school on the 15th of June now, as the deadly H1N1 virus has put school of for a week for the entire country - so far 4 people have tested positive in the Philippines.
So, we're still looking for a place to live, now in Talamban and not in Mactan. Talamban is in the interior of Cebu City, we have more class time in the campus than in the Marine Research Center this semester, I have been enrolled in the graduate course and Myla has been enrolled in the undergrad. But we still have a number of classes together.
More vid's
This is a vid of a scorpionfish, you'll notice how differentit looks without a strobe, from the previous posted pic.
This vid, although not great ( I have the settings on the camera set to webcam) is of a school of Baracuda.
Myla and the square.
Myla and the Panda Anemone Fish.
This video shows an anemone trying to pull my hands toward its maw, but if you watch the top of my hand you'll see a glass anemone shrip climb on to it and start cleaning it off.